Ocean Hero Handbook

Focusing on so much more than plastic pollution, this ahead-of-the curve book exposes the extensive damage being done to the oceans that most of us don’t know about, and what simple, everyday changes we can make to help protect our seas.

When we think about climate change, our first thoughts are often of burning rainforests, cities filled with smog, and mammals teetering on the brink of extinction. But what about the effects of our actions off-land? What is really going on out of sight below the surface of the waves? And what more can we do beyond just reducing our plastic usage?

This book is a necessary call to act and educate ourselves on the damage human activity is having on our seas, and a guide to how you can help stop it, whether you live on the coastline or hundreds of miles from the ocean.

Shocking but enlightening, it illustrates exactly what the problems are, how they impact the ocean, why it is so important to keep our oceans healthy for our own benefit, and what we can do individually and collectively to help save our seas.



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